Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Homemade Beer Recipes that even a Caveman can Follow

Visually Learn How to Make Beer

Beer making is just like home cooking. Every chef has his own flare, style and distinct flavor of his finished product. The process is basically simple and has not changed much in the last 1000 years.
There are 5 basic ingredients:

1) Water 2) hops 3) yeast 4) Malt 5) Your unlimited imagination for flavor

When making homebrew, it is best to us filtered water. If your home water taste like crap, your beer won't taste much better either. Malt barley is grain that has been soaked in water to the point of sprouting and then dried. Malting develops the needed sugars and starches necessary for the fermentation. This whole process is called mashing, senior homebrewers will achieve this process. However, beginners don't worry for you can purchase a product called malt extract. Next hops look like pine cones and grow on vines. They preform several roles, most notable are taste and aroma. Depending on your taste, hops will control who sweat or bitter the beer will be. Up till this point nothing will ever be accomplished without yeast. Yeast is a living organism that loves to eat and feed off of sugars. This is where we get our kick, yeast converts sugars to alcohol and carbon dioxide. Yeast is also a contributor to overall taste quality and purity of beer. Keep in mind that only special cultured beer yeast maybe used.

The Beer Making Process is Simple

Lets summarize the basics, malt, hops, and water are boiled together for a set period of time. This mixture is called "wort". Next we add our yeast after cooling to begin the fermentation process in a air locked bucket. This stage will last between 6 to 11 days and afterword the beer may be bottled. This is the hard part of waiting for at least 2 weeks allowing the beer to mature and carbonate.

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1 comment:

Jesse Seymour said...

Another good process for beginners to use is partial mashing - this is simply mashing adjunct grains and using extract for the bulk of the sugars...

If you want to know more than check out my homemade beer blog.